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Bio Bug Bin is a revolutionary machine that can create liquid bio fertilizer from organic waste in just 30 days. An innovation by our research team

The first step towards effective waste management was to establish the Bio Bug Bins Waste Management ( BBB units,) all kitchen waste collected by municipal persons under door to door collection in a bio bag will be dumped in a BBB units with 500 ml Bioculum a liquid micro organism cultures that accelerates the aerobic composting of bio degradable organic waste. It also treats the waste and makes it free from pathogens, foul smells and weed seeds. After 30 days dumped organic waste would be converted into liquid bio fertilizer .

Salient Features

  • Renewable source of nutrients,  Sustain soil health , Supplement chemical fertilizers.
  • Increase the grain yields by 10-40%.
  • Decompose all bio degradable waste plant residues, and stabilize C:N ratio of soil
  • Improve texture, structure and water holding capacity of soil
  • No adverse effect on plant growth and soil fertility.
  • Eco-friendly, non-pollutants and cost effective method